Rev Your Engines: National Motorcycle Safety Month
As an experienced team of Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers, we know how devastating motorcycle crashes can be. Needless to say, these accidents happen all too frequently. But, in hopes of reducing these numbers and statistics, Kogan & DiSalvo Personal Injury Attorneys want your help in celebrating National Motorcycle Safety Month by following these safety tips!
Share the Road
According to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, in 2014, there were 9,854 motorcycle crashes in the state of Florida, with 427 of them being fatal and over 80% of them resulting in some form of injury. By adopting the idea of “sharing the road”, we can all do our part in reducing these numbers and statistics. This concept can only be successful with the motorcyclists’ participation as well: make yourselves visible to the other drivers.
Ride Sober
Drunk driving is a serious offense, no matter what type of vehicle you’re driving or riding. Statistics show that there is a high number of fatal motorcycle crashes due to intoxication. We urge all motorcycle riders (and drivers in general) to always ride/drive sober.
Look Twice
Motorcyclists are hard to see on the roads, especially at night or in busy intersections. We encourage other drivers on the road to always look twice in any direction to ensure the safety of motorcycle riders, and for motorcyclists to always drive defensively—never assume other drivers on the road can see you.
As the age old saying goes, “you start the game with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience. The objective is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck.”
Contact the Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo Today

If you’ve run out of luck and suffered a personal injury as the result of a motorcycle accident, our accident lawyers are here to help. Give our office a call at (561) 375-9500 to set up your free case evaluation. Our team proudly serves clients in Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Lakeland, Palm Bay, St. Petersburg, Stuart, Tampa, Vero Beach, West Palm Beach and surrounding South Florida areas.