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What if the Other Driver in My Accident was Uninsured or Underinsured?

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If the other driver in your accident were uninsured or underinsured, because Florida is a no-fault car insurance state, your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance would be your first source of recovery for your damages. However, suppose you suffered extensive injuries, and your damages exceed your policy limits. In that case, you would have to file a lawsuit to recover compensation from an at-fault driver, which will be more challenging.

Your ability to recover maximum damages after a car accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist will substantially improve when you retain a Florida car accident lawyer from Kogan & DiSalvo. In addition to filing car accident lawsuits against any parties contributing to your losses and personal injuries, we can advise you on what auto insurance coverage you should consider to reimburse your injury-related expenses.

Crashed front of silver BMW

What expenses does Florida PIP insurance cover?

Your PIP insurance will reimburse up to 80% of your auto accident-related medical expenses and 60% of your lost wages up to the limits in your PIP coverage. These coverages apply to the driver and passengers in a vehicle that collides with another car driven by an uninsured motorist. Florida requires all registered drivers to carry at least $10,000 in insurance coverage for each person in a registered vehicle. Your auto insurance carrier might offer the option to procure insurance with higher limits.

Is Other Insurance Available to Cover Damages?

Many Florida drivers carry underinsured and uninsured motorist (UM) insurance coverage that reimburses their losses and damages when an at-fault driver does not have adequate insurance. Auto insurance companies offer UM insurance with minimum limits of $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident. Check with your insurance agent if you do not understand the coverages in your policy. An attorney can also help you to determine how much UM coverage you should procure, given how much driving you do and where you typically operate your vehicle.

Should an Injured Driver Sue an Uninsured or Underinsured At-Fault Driver?

Florida’s contributory negligence rules might also affect an injured motorist’s decision to file a lawsuit. They reduce the motorist’s damages in proportion to their relative fault for causing an accident. To avoid any reduction in the damages, a skillful car accident lawyer will use all of the evidence about the accident to demonstrate that an injured driver did not contribute to the cause of the accident. 

Call Kogan & DiSalvo Before You Sign a Release of All Claims Form After a Florida Car Accident

Please call the car accident lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo as soon as possible after your accident to begin the process of recovering the damages you deserve. We have offices in Boca Raton and at multiple other locations in Southeastern Florida. We will fight tirelessly to get you the largest available damages award from all payment sources. Because we work on a contingency basis, there are no upfront fees. We look forward to hearing from you.

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