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How to Mentally Recover From a Car Accident 

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Woman in a car after an accident holding her forehead in pain

To mentally recover from a car accident in Florida, it’s important to seek psychotherapy or counseling as soon as possible. The state has excellent resources with information on emergency services if you are in acute crisis, as well as referrals for mental health services. In addition, resist the urge to isolate and spend time with family and friends. 

The Florida car accident attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo understand the psychological issues of a serious accident. Connecting with an attorney in Florida as soon as possible could ensure you recover full compensation for your damages. Reach out to our compassionate team for a free consultation. 

Read Books or Other Mental Health Materials for Perspective 

While you may not know what to expect physically after an accident, you probably have a general sense of your progress as your physical wounds heal, and you recuperate. However, many people are not prepared for the emotional upheaval.  

There is often the initial shock which is often followed by depression, insomnia, increased anxiety, avoiding people and places you once loved, changes in eating habits, and a general sense of malaise and unhappiness. You may be frustrated by your inability to get back to normal.  

Dr. Gabor Maté, a renowned mental health specialist and author, has studied, treated, and written best-selling books about this for many years. He explains that trauma is not a brief, finite event. So, read what you can, join online chat groups, and remember that addressing these issues is a process.  

Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Emotional Distress 

A person with a blue cast and blue crutches sitting on the couch using a laptop

After an accident, it’s not unusual to experience mental health symptoms. In addition to the ones listed above, you may also experience the following:  

  • Fear of driving: You may become housebound because you have anxiety surrounding being in a car. 
  • Flashbacks of the accident: During the course of a normal day, you may become overwhelmed because a smell or a noise has triggered a flashback. 
  • Nightmares about the accident: Nightmares are common in people who have PTSD as the brain tries to make sense of what happened. 
  • Avoiding the area where the accident occurred: You may be filled with an irrational fear of the location of the accident and will go out of your way to avoid it. 

Where to Find Help 

In addition to the resources listed at the top of the page, similar information in Florida is available online from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). In addition, Florida Veterans can obtain free mental health services through the County Veteran Services Offices throughout the state.  

If you can’t travel, many therapists now provide counseling online through secure platforms, which you can access on your cell phone. When you find a therapist you like, follow through and try not to miss appointments.  

In addition to therapy, there are positive steps you can take, such as: 

  • Spend time with family and friends 
  • Resist the urge to isolate   
  • Be outdoors in the Florida sunshine whenever possible 
  • Stay physically active as exercise, even walking, releases endorphins.  
  • Engage in self-care 

It’s also important to know when to get an attorney for a car accident

How Kogan & Di-Salvo Can Help 

Close-up of an hourglass, pen, and magnifying glass on top of a legal document

Our team can help you explore whether you can sue for emotional distress after your accident. Contact us for a free case evaluation. We can assess whether you have a viable personal injury claim. Our car accident attorneys could negotiate with the insurers, gather all the accident-related documents and press your legal claims. We could also fight to maximize your recovery so that you can focus on your health. In addition, we work on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront legal fees. We look forward to hearing from you.  

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