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Florida Hit and Run Accident Attorney

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Under Florida state law, you must stop and provide your name, address, driver’s license, and registration if you are involved in an accident. Unfortunately, as anyone who has been a victim of a hit-and-run crash knows—other drivers do not always do the right thing.

Being in a crash where the other party flees the accident scene or returning to your parked car to find it damaged is frustrating and stressful. Who is left to pay the costs of your repairs? Or worse, what if you or someone in your vehicle is seriously hurt in a hit-and-run accident?

Kogan & DiSalvo auto accident lawyers represent hit-and-run victims across South Florida. We fight to recover compensation for your losses from medical bills to vehicle repairs.

What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident in Florida

Closeup shot of phone display with the number 911 dialed

According to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), there were more than 800,000 hit-and-run accidents across the state over seven years. Many of these crashes resulted in injuries and fatalities.

The agency’s Stay at the Scene campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of doing the right thing after an accident—and the consequences of fleeing the scene. Here are the steps to take if you are the victim of a hit-and-run, also known as a hit-and-skip accident:

  1. Stay at the scene. You never know how the other driver will react. For your own safety, do not try to stop them from leaving, and avoid chasing them down. Instead, note details you observe about the driver’s appearance, their vehicle, and the circumstances of the accident.
  2. Report the accident. Call 911 and request help. Tell the dispatcher if you have obvious injuries. When the police arrive, explain precisely what happened to the best of your knowledge.
  3. Gather evidence. Once you are safe and calm, document the accident scene. Take photos of the location, injuries, or property damage.
  4. Look for witnesses. If someone nearby saw the accident, let the police know so they can ask them for a statement. Write down the name and phone number of any witnesses in case you need to contact them in the future.
  5. Seek medical attention. If you did not receive medical attention at the accident scene, seeing your healthcare provider as soon as possible is wise. Adrenaline often masks pain and other signs of injuries that can worsen over time.
  6. Contact a Florida hit-and-run accident lawyer: Crashes where the at-fault party leaves the scene are more complex than other personal injury claims. Our legal team protects your interests and pursues the monetary compensation you deserve for a crash that was not your fault.

We recommend speaking with a hit-and-run injury lawyer before you contact the insurance companies. We will advise you of your rights and ensure your interests are protected every step of the way—so you do not admit blame or accept an unfair settlement.

Liability in a Hit-and-Run Accident

Typically, when a driver causes an accident in Florida, their property damage liability coverage covers the costs of property damage. If they do not carry coverage or you cannot locate them, your own collision coverage, underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage, or personal injury protection (PIP) kicks in.

However, even if insurance is available, it may not be enough to cover all the losses involved. Medical bills and property repairs add up quickly, especially if your condition prevents you from working. If you can identify the hit-and-run driver, you may be able to file a civil personal injury claim against them for these costs.

Compensation in a Hit-and-Run Accident Claim

Insurance adjuster filling out a form on a clipboard next to a car

Every personal injury lawsuit is unique, and the outcome of your case depends on many variables. Generally, compensation for civil suits includes medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and lost wages. We carefully assess your case to calculate damages and recover a fair settlement that reflects how a hit-and-run crash has impacted your life.

What if the Police Can’t Find the At-Fault Driver?

Hit-and-run drivers have many possible reasons for leaving the scene. They may be drunk, high, driving without a license or insurance, or operating a stolen vehicle. Or they simply want to avoid the legal, financial, and ethical ramifications of their actions.

If you are unable to locate the driver, a skilled lawyer for hit-and-run accidents with Kogan & DiSalvo can help. We use every resource available to find the person who caused your crash injuries. Or, we will help you file a claim against your uninsured motorist coverage. Wondering if you have a case? Looking for more information? Schedule a Free consultation with us today. We’ll listen to your story and devise an attack plan. We understand that it’s not just a case, it’s your life

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