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If you own a car registered in Florida, you need to purchase Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance as part of the state’s no-fault accident insurance requirements. This policy generally pays for 80% of your medical expenses after a car accident, up to a maximum of $10,000. Your health insurance and other sources will reimburse your medical and other expenses beyond that amount.
The Florida car accident attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo will coordinate all those reimbursement sources and verify that you get the full compensation you are entitled to recover. If you have ever filed an insurance claim, you likely know that insurance reimbursements are never easy to recover. The process becomes far more complex when multiple insurers and at-fault parties are liable to pay damages for your losses and injuries. We can cut through that complexity and get you the largest damages award so that you can focus on healing.
Your PIP policy will reimburse more than just your medical expenses, including, for example, a portion of your lost wages. Medical costs related to a car accident might include:
Even with minor injuries, you can quickly reach the coverage limits of your PIP policy. If you have a separate Florida MedPay policy, the benefits may not cover all of your expenses. To protect yourself and verify that you get all the compensation owed, your best strategy is to retain a Florida car accident lawyer.
In most cases, your health insurance carrier will want you to exhaust other reimbursement sources before paying for your medical costs and expenses. Your lawyer can analyze your situation and seek reimbursement from sources that might include:
In most cases, your health insurance will not cover damages such as pain and suffering associated with your injuries. Your lawyer will fight to recover reimbursement for your medical expenses and compensation for the damages you suffer when another driver negligently harms you.
Florida adopted no-fault insurance laws to reduce the number of lawsuits and compensate drivers more expeditiously for their losses. However, you might suffer serious injuries that quickly go through the insurance limits in your PIP policy. For example, suppose you suffer extensive or permanent injuries, the car accident resulted in a fatality, or your medical expenses exceed the $10,000 limit of most PIP policies. In that case, other laws and exceptions enable you to file a car accident lawsuit to recover the balance of your losses and expenses. Your lawyer will confirm they are considered when seeking payment from insurers and at-fault parties.
We have helped many Florida drivers to recover the full amount of damages they are entitled to receive for reimbursement of medical expenses and other accident-related costs. Please call any of our South Florida offices for a free consultation— there is no obligation to hire us afterward. And since we work on a contingency fee basis, you will not pay attorney’s fees unless we win compensation for your injuries. We look forward to hearing from you.
If you are injured and unable to come to us,
our attorney will come to you - there is no charge for us to do so.