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You can get a car accident settlement in Florida without a lawyer, but you place yourself at a disadvantage by negotiating directly with insurance company adjusters or lawyers who negotiate claims for a living and have more resources at their disposal.
The accident’s impact can linger in the form of physical injuries and post-traumatic stress. The negotiations concern a personal, high-stakes matter. It will be hard for you to be free of emotional involvement as you negotiate with the insurance company.
In contrast, your accident is just another case file to the insurance company adjusters and lawyers. Their goal is to settle for as little as possible. The adjusters and insurance lawyers have no emotional involvement, are not recuperating from an accident, and have years of experience in negotiation.
Putting yourself at such a disadvantage is unnecessary. However, a car accident lawyer in Florida can negotiate for you, without having to pay any legal fees up front.
To settle the case yourself, you will have to prove fault in the accident. To do this, you’ll need to gather evidence, interpret its meaning, and argue with the insurance company to prove your theory of how the accident happened.
To recover anything under the new Florida law, you must convince the insurance company that you are 50% or less at fault, and show what degree of fault is yours, if any.
When you negotiate on your own, you place yourself at risk of getting nothing. If the insurer concludes that you were more than 50% at fault, they can deny your claim entirely.
In addition, excessive delays can leave you without recourse to the courts. Under Florida law, generally, you have only two years to bring a lawsuit relating to injuries in an accident.
If you have been in a car accident and you’re thinking of settling with the insurance company on your own, call Kogan & DiSalvo first. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation. We take no fees unless and until we recover money for you. Our personal injury lawyers fight hard for the compensation you deserve.
Once liability is clear, the valuation must be settled. The insurer will argue for the minimum car accident settlement. To obtain a good settlement, you need to know the monetary value of your injury or the injuries of passengers in your vehicle. This entails understanding not only the losses already incurred, but also how the injuries will impact lives going forward.
Here’s how an accident lawyer can help:
When you negotiate on your own, the insurer isn’t concerned about such tactics. The insurer’s attorneys are aware of the injury data. They also know you lack the information and they’re under no obligation to help you. They can exploit your ignorance and “lowball” you by paying you less than you would get with a lawyer.
The Florida car accident lawyers of Kogan & DiSalvo understand how important your settlement is to you after an accident to recoup your personal and property losses. We’ve represented car accident victims and their families for many years with compassion and zealous advocacy.
Now more than ever—due to important changes in State law—settlement must be pursued without delay after the accident. The car accident attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo have helped clients throughout Florida obtain funds to resume their lives after terrible collisions. We research the value of your claim and negotiate for the highest settlement.
After you’ve been in a car accident, reach out to us. At Kogan & DiSalvo, we don’t take any fees unless and until we recover money for you.
If you are injured and unable to come to us,
our attorney will come to you - there is no charge for us to do so.