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Delray Beach Head-On Collision Lawyer

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Vignette of woman rubbing her neck after a car accident

Head-on collisions can be among the most deadly types of automotive crashes because the impact occurs at the combined speeds of both vehicles. For this reason, being involved in a crash of this nature can potentially be physically, emotionally, and financially damaging. If you have been involved in a head-on collision, a professional Delray Beach head-on collision lawyer could help you determine whether or not you are eligible to receive injury compensation. Read on to learn more about how a skilled car accident attorney from Kogan & DiSalvo could offer you assistance today.

Florida Laws Regarding Collisions

The law governing head-on automotive crashes is the state’s negligence law. Motorists share the road and therefore have a legal obligation toward each other. The law requires reasonable individuals to treat others in ways that do not cause harm to them, known as the duty of care. An act violating that duty, such as crossing the center line of the road, is a breach of the law because a prudent individual would not have made that action. If an individual breached the duty of care out of negligence, you must then prove that they caused the resulting accident.

Determining Fault

Florida lawmakers have chosen to follow the theory of modified comparative negligence, meaning that a claimant must be 49% or less at fault for their accident in order to recover damages. For example, a driver who is considered to be 25% at fault by the jury for causing the accident will be able to recover. However, a plaintiff that is considered to be 51% at fault will not recover anything. Reach out to a qualified injury attorney to learn more.

What are the Common Causes of Head-On Collisions?

While many head-on collisions happen when drivers try to pass other vehicles by merging into a lane of on-coming traffic, it is not the primary cause of these wrecks. The main reason that these collisions occur is that drivers take their eyes off the road to use mobile communication devices or to operate the vehicle’s radio or other controls.

These acts of distracted driving can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated, which is another primary reason for these crashes. Others include driving while fatigued, resulting in the driver losing their concentration and falling asleep at the wheel. If the driver at fault participated in these negligent actions, know that a weathered Delray Beach head-on collision lawyer can offer their assistance in fighting for one’s injury compensation.

What Injuries Commonly Occur in Front-End Crashes?

The tremendous force of head-on impacts throw riders forward, backward, or sideways, causing severe, life-changing injuries, and possibly death. The impact can force the body to slam against the steering wheel, windows, and dashboard to cause brain damage, trauma to the back, and internal organ injuries. The spinal cord can be severed as well, causing various degrees of paralysis.

The impact and the vehicle’s collapsing structure may propel bodies against hard surfaces that may snap necks, crush hips, leg and arm bones, and cause extensive damage to teeth and mouth. Should the impact rupture fuel or oil lines, an intense fire could cause severe and fatal burns. Those who have suffered from these injuries may rely on help from a Delray Beach head-on collision lawyer to help fight for their deserved compensation.

Contact a Delray Beach Head-On Collision Lawyer

A woman outside of her car texting after an accident

If you or a loved one have been involved in a serious accident, know that you do not have to face your medical expenses alone. A seasoned Delray Beach head-on collision lawyer can offer you their assistance by gathering evidence, interviewing key witnesses, and acting as an aggressive advocate for your compensation. If you require professional legal representation in acquiring your compensation awards, reach out to Kogan & DiSalvo today for your free, no-obligation initial consultation.

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