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Factors Influencing Insurance Rates in Boca Raton Motorcycle Accidents

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Any accident has the potential to negatively impact a person’s insurance rates. If they are not at fault, it should not impact their insurance rates. But it is just the same as it would be with a car. A distinguished motorcycle accident lawyer can give you piece of mind when you begin considering the factors influencing insurance rates in Boca Raton motorcycle accidents.

Common Influences on Insurance Companies

An insurance adjuster with a clipboard examining the scene of a car accident

The factors influencing insurance rates in Boca Raton motorcycle accidents depends on whether the individual is at fault or not. If they are not at fault but they have had a number of claims over a certain period of time, the number of claims could impact their continued coverage with their insurance company. If the individual has a reputation of accidents, even if they were never deemed liable, it is possible that the insurance company tries to remove them and avoid assuming them as a risk.

An influential factor on an insurance company can be what caused the claim or the number of claims in a certain period of time. In an at-fault accident, the type of motor vehicle(s) involved in the accident can have an impact on that person’s insurance. If a person is at fault, it is going to impact their insurance whether they are in a car or a motorcycle because they have been driving erratically, and they are speeding. Insuring someone is the risk that the insurance company is assuming that will determine whether or not it is going to impact insurance rates.

Role of the Injured

The injured individual will need to provide their insurance information to their medical provider. If they are making a claim against someone who caused the accident, either the victim, the motorcyclist, or their attorney needs to contact their health insurer with the particularities of that policy. There are many factors influencing insurance rates in Boca Raton motorcycle accidents but there is nothing that an injured person needs to do other than get treatment and present their card.

Working with an Attorney

There are certain requirements that health insurance companies have in order to protect their claim for reimbursement. Under Florida statutes, there is a time period that they have to notify a health insurance company and ask that insurance company to have a right at reimbursement or subrogation. The insurance company will then have a certain period of time to respond.

Depending on the type of policy, if they do not respond timely, they could waive their lien to be blown and not enforceable on some policies. There are factors influencing insurance rates in Boca Raton motorcycle accidents that the insurance company must comply with in order to protect their liens.

Other companies are exempt from that statute. A skilled Boca Raton motorcycle lawyer who has dealt with motorcyclists or other motor vehicle accidents should have an understanding on how to deal with insurance companies. They have the ability to seek the best limit or amount of money that needs to be paid by the victim to the insurance company, if at all.

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