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Boca Raton Motorcycle Defects and Recalls

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As with any complex piece of machinery, there are motorcycle defects and recalls in Boca Raton. Maybe the ignition switch does not work right, or the brake pedal sticks, or the clutch malfunctions, and the list goes on. The question is whether the recall or defect played a part in the accident.

In other words, questioning whether there was a faulty drive chain or train on the motorcycle that caused it to lose power suddenly. In that scenario, the person on the motorcycle that loses power suddenly gets rear-ended, the person who rear-ended them, as well as the manufacturer, will be partly liable as well. It depends on what the defect is and whether that defect played a part in the collision or accident that lead to injuries of the rider.

If you have sustained an injury due to Boca Raton motorcycle defects and recalls, an accident attorney can look into your case. A Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyer can discuss with you the possibility of filing a claim for compensation.

Defects vs. Recalls

Text Product Recall typed on retro typewriter

A defect is something that is not readily known to the manufacturer and therefore is not subject to a recall yet. A recall is a defect that the manufacturer knows about and knows it has to correct.  When the manufacturer knows about the defect, it will inform all owners of that particular model that there is a recall because of the defect. That would suggest that a defect is a recall waiting to happen. Once a motorcycle defect is registered, it will be recalled by model and part.

Immediate Danger

Any immediate danger depends on what the motorcycle defects and recalls are. If the brakes are failing, that is a serious problem and the motorcycle should not be ridden until it is serviced. If the transmission suddenly shifts into a different gear and causes the motorcycle operator to lose control, that is a serious problem. There are safety-related mechanical problems that lead to safety issues which in turn place a motorcycle operator and rider in extreme danger.

Depending on what the problem is, it could absolutely place the motorcyclist in immediate danger. The motorcycle owner should always keep it in good working condition and periodically check whether it has been subject to any recalls. With a motorcycle, there are no second chances. There is a person, the bike, and whatever they hit or whatever hits them. Motorcyclists should be at an elevated level of scrutiny to make sure that there is nothing wrong with their bike. If a car stalls out, they are probably going to survive. If a motorcycle stalls out on the Interstate, a person is probably not going to.

Defect Compensation

Lawyer handing over compensation check

The compensation that a person would receive is based on a number of factors, including medical expenses, lost wages or earnings and, of course, pain and suffering. The injuries and damages need to be proven to be sustained as a result of a defect.

If there motorcycle defects and recalls that lead to the collision or crash, it may be possible for the motorcyclist to receive compensation. It depends on what the defect is, whether it is a manufacturing defect as opposed to a maintenance defect, or a repair defect. That is when experts become involved to figure out the cause of the crash; whether it was a manufacturing defect; something the manufacturer knew about or should have known about, and did not warn or correct.

If Boca Raton motorcycle defects and recalls rampant throughout a particular line of motorcycles and the manufacturer did not do anything, there is a good chance they would be held responsible. If this particular part was defective, i.e., came off the manufacturing line and there is no way to know that this particular part really failed, this would be a much different case. It depends on whether the defect safety problem is rampant throughout that particular line or whether it is an isolated incident. Those are the things that a trained expert can determine; what caused the crash and should the manufacturer have known about it.

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