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Interacting with Insurance After a Boca Raton Car Accident

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It is important to avoid any serious mistakes after you have been in an accident in Boca Raton. One of the most common mistakes that people make is interacting with insurance companies too quickly after a Boca Raton car accident. Insurance companies and insurance adjusters do this for a living, day in and day out. People that are hurt in accidents, it may be their first time or maybe a second or third time that they have had an accident but they are not professional car accident victims whereas the adjusters are professional car accident victim investigators.

So you can say a person that is involved in an accident will say things that seem innocuous or seem routine, but they may be giving information to the insurance company that will ultimately be used against them. As such, it is important to work with an experienced Boca Raton car accident attorney before interacting with insurance to best understand your case and how to get the most compensation for your injuries.

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Impact of Providing a Statement

If an individual makes a statement too soon without contacting their attorney after an accident, they may make a mistake in the statement and the case would happen to go to trial at some point down the road, then that statement they gave to the insurance adjuster or the at-fault driver can potentially come back and hurt the client at trial where there are inconsistencies.

It is through a good pre-statement meeting that the client understands how to answer the questions, what to say and what not to say when interacting with insurance companies after a Boca Raton car accident. For example, if a person says, “Were you wearing your seatbelt?” the answer is, “Yes,” then they have pride that that is the correct answer not, “Well, I used to wear my seatbelt but I was wearing a special dress this day and I did not want it to get wrinkled.” So in a pre-statement conference, the client is prepared and ready to give an appropriate statement that will not harm their case later on.

Being Contacted by Insurance Companies

Business woman on her phone in the back seat of an Uber

Typically insurance companies will contact someone by phone, although some companies do it in person. The victim’s name, address, and phone number are typically on a police report. If not, it is a matter of public record search to find that information and some insurance companies are more aggressive when it comes to contacting victims of accidents and what they try to do is to pay off or settle early the claim, they may offer a person who is hurt in an accident a few thousand dollars if they sign the release now and that person may be saying they will be okay and they will sign the release and take the small check and as time goes on, the person’s symptoms may worsen. But they have already signed off on all their rights against the at-fault driver.

People need to be aware that insurance companies are in business to pay as little money as possible and insurance adjusters are there to try to keep the payment as small as possible, that is in their best interest. The best interest of a car accident lawyer representing an injured person is to maximize their recovery, so someone should let the attorney interact with the insurance professionals talk it out and a client should just treat the injuries.

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