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Boca Raton Out-of-State Bicyclist Accident Lawyer

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Silhouette of cyclist riding at sunset with trees in the background

Ignorance of the law is not a defense to an accident. It is expected that individuals know the laws of any state you enter. While it is likely that bicycle laws across states are very similar, a person should read up on the local statutes to ensure that they are aware of any differences between their state’s law and Florida law before deciding to ride a bike. If you were visiting Boca Raton and were injured in a bike crash, speak with a lawyer about your rights. Our well-versed Boca Raton bicycle accident attorneys from Kogan & DiSalvo could review your case and fight for you.

Roadways in Boca Raton Where Bike Wrecks Commonly Occur

The Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) published a Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Study in 2017. Crash data from 2010 to 2014 were obtained and analyzed from the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Unified Basemap Repository (UBR). A total of 1,743 traffic collisions with pedestrians and 1,534 traffic collisions with bicyclists were recorded from the time frame studied. Crash density and hot spot analysis maps were prepared based on the FDOT UBR data.

Ten clusters of hot spots and ten high crash corridors were identified. Of those ten identified hot spots was in Boca Raton at the intersection of Palmetto Park Road and Federal Highway. The data also identified ten high crash corridors, of which one was in Boca Raton at Federal Highway from Camino Real to Glades Road. Both the hot spot and the high crash corridor are in East Boca Raton in the downtown area, which is densely populated with many high-rise apartment buildings and retail shops. The more vehicular traffic in an area makes the area more dangerous for cyclists. For more information, reach out to a Boca Raton out-of-state bicyclist accident lawyer.

Trails for Hiking and Biking Where Many Bicycle Crashes Occur

As our Kogan & DiSalvo attorneys could explain, out-of-state bicycle riders in Boca Raton should familiarize themselves with:

  • Where the designated bike paths and trails are located
  • Where the surface streets are to avoid dangerous intersections
  • Rules of the road
  • Paying attention to their surroundings
  • Wearing reflective clothing at night and utilizing lights on their bicycle and helmet
  • Using properly-fitting protective wear and helmets

Insurance Policies Using Out-of-State Status as a Defense in Bicycle Accident Cases

No-fault insurance policies change depending on the specific policy. While one policy can specifically exclude no-fault benefits for accidents that occur out of state, another policy may include benefits for accidents out of state. If a person’s particular policy allows for their no-fault benefits to follow them and cover any injuries they receive out of state, the individual will be entitled to up to $10,000 in medical benefits and lost wages for their injuries. Out of state bicyclists who were involved in a Boca Raton accident could contact our skilled Kogan & DiSalvo attorneys if they need assistance with negotiating their policies with insurance companies.

A Boca Raton Out-of-State Bicycle Accident Attorney Could Help

The attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo in front of their office building

Upon consulting our Boca Raton out-of-state bicyclist accident lawyers from Kogan & DiSalvo, we could explain your rights help you build an injury claim. A local attorney who understands bicycle accident laws could help you understand where bicycle accidents may occur, what an out of state bicyclist should know before biking, and could also help them negotiate with insurance companies. Call today to begin your injury claim.

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